Forums' Private Messages Bugs - Safari

davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hello, when I login to my account, and I am searching the forums, the PM icon doesn't appear in the upper menubar.
It disappears. I have to click in my profile to see if I have any PMs, or click in the 'Creator' section and there it appears.
I don't know if this is a problem only while using Safari.


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    no one uses the pms, at least the majority of us dont. its a mess and i dont even think you can delete them, i have about 800 stacked up
  • davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
    Perhaps they should fix everything about the PMs, like as you are saying, we can't delete the PMs.
    If they fix that, then there will be less files in their server and it will be something positive for them). I know it's minimum but at least it's something.
  • davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
    SaladStraightShooter said:
    I believe that's a known issue, David - apologies that you're encountering it as well.

    Hopefully this is one of many issues we hope to overcome with the introduction of the new forum coming very, very soon.

    :o Nice! Can't wait to see the new forum :D
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