Making a BOOK category App - Specifically a Comic "Graphic Novel"
I did a webcomic a while ago, all about this whale that you see by my signature.
I notice there is much activity on the App store in the "Books" category,
and I realized -
I could publish the whole series ( 60 pages! ) as an app, and make this in GS.
In order to do this, I would like to do "pan and zoom" functionality, like they have
on the "bigtime" apps like Marvel Comics, and some anime publishers.
Any template, tutorial, design suggestions?
Are any of the rest of you authors, of comix, picture books? etc.
I notice there is much activity on the App store in the "Books" category,
and I realized -
I could publish the whole series ( 60 pages! ) as an app, and make this in GS.
In order to do this, I would like to do "pan and zoom" functionality, like they have
on the "bigtime" apps like Marvel Comics, and some anime publishers.
Any template, tutorial, design suggestions?
Are any of the rest of you authors, of comix, picture books? etc.
I know I could just pay T-Shirt Booth to write it? ;-) But the more I can figure out in small steps, the more satisfying the victory?
I figure to have each page of the comic as an "actor", and control their motion ( and resize / zooming ) with clever scripting?
I want iPhone people to be able to read my work also, so they'd zoom in to read the text
of each panel.
BUT I'd like the few iPad owners to be able to see the pages as entire ... pages?
As they were originally intended.
You could pay someone to do it but if you want to make more than this one app you will need to know to use GameSalad. You could always hire someone as a tutor to teach and help you build it.
I have each page as a scene. With a comic book you could have each page as a scene as well and have each panel of the comic it's own actor.
DBA has a free children's book template you can download on their site. It is pretty nifty, the whole book is one scene but I guess gamesalad can't handle the memory. But you can download it for free and learn some things in there.
(and so many good ideas! when I can figure the code to produce them.)
Thank you for the tip, I will check out the template.
Photics -
Yeah, it would be good to have it as a universal binary!
Maybe I should just wait until they improve GS to include that? ( and wait, wait... ;-)
Or maybe I'll just keep making ALL my Apps at iPhone 3 resoultion,
as I have been? Just easier that way...
I still am frustrated that the miniscule difference in res between iPad and Retina makes us do an entirely different set of apps? But that was Apples' choice, I guess.