Preloader + drawing a path for an object

dummydummy Member Posts: 8
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys, my first post here :-D
Is it possible to create a preloader in gamesalad?
I forgot to ask about something, so I edited my previous post (: Could you tell me is it possible to draw a path with a touch, and after you stop a drawing action, the actor spawns and follow created path? (it's similar to the game - Axe in face). Looking forward for your help, see ya


  • dummydummy Member Posts: 8
    any ideas (:?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    search breadcrumbs (yes breadcrumbs lol) in the new section of the gamesalad creator, theres a demo with what you want. Now i havent looked at the demo in a long time so not sure how well it works or performs, but it does allow you to draw a path and have your actor follow it

    but like tshirt said it would be a hell of a lot easier and smoother once we have tables and arrays.
  • dummydummy Member Posts: 8
    I checked the breadcrumbs, but it's not exactly what I expect :( I would like to first draw a path, after drawing it, then the actor should follow. Like u both guys said I think i have to wait for tables. Anyway, thanks for your help.
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