Animation/Destroy actor

Hey gang, been working hard at the mechanics of GS and I'm finally starting to get it. However, ran into a caveat. I created the animation sequence of my actor getting smaller and disappearing when it collides with another actor and you collect the points, but it doesn't destroy the actor after the animation is complete. How do I make the actor do its animation and then destroy it after it completes it?
So the animation plays, and you should create a Timer as well that is the same amount of time as the animation, like this:
When Actor collides with Actor of Type ...
After 1 second, Run to completion
(Change 1 second to your specific needs...)
The GameSalad Fb page said this to, but I missunderstood.
Thanks so much to both of ya : )
I have falling items but when they should stop and animate, they keep falling while they animate.