Looking to make a dirt bike game or street bike racing game but have a few ?'s

FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
My first question is, is it possible to simualte suspension for like a dirt bike in GS?

and my other question is, i want to make like a street bike drag racing game and im woundering if i can make bikes upgradeable to where you can upgrade certin parts and it slowly gets faster.
as you win races you get money and parts cost money depending on the part.

Sorry if these are question that have been answered before.



  • FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
    oh sweet! thanks for the quick reply!

    but how hard do you think the drag racing game would be for a GS beginner?
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    It should in theory be quite simple. You would use global attributes to track upgrades of bike etc. Therefore, you can have rules like in your main bike actor;

    When BikeUpgrade = 1, change speed to 100
    When BikeUpgrade = 2, change speed to 200

    etc etc

    It could be as simple or as detailed as you want to make it :)

    Then you just constantly save the attributes so it remembers how much cash you have and what you have purchased.
  • FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
    so like what if i wanted different upgrades and also what about opponents?

    because i wanted to make it where you have to shift and have a reaction time just like the drag racing game thats on the app store now just with motorcycles instead

    like i wanna do it in detail to make it more realstic
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    You win, you get cash. Lets say i have a 1000 in the bank;

    Upgrade Exhaust = 50
    Upgrade airflow = 100
    Upgrade engine = 400

    etc etc

    When you buy each upgrade you have the rules on your bike actor thats says, if upgrade.xxxx is bought, increase speed to xxxx

    For gears, you would have a global attribute called gears;

    On bike actor;

    If gear select = 1, accelerate up to speed = 50
    If gear select = 2, accelerate up to speed = 100
    etc, etc

    You would need a gear shift button that when pressed ups the gear, you could set this so it only becomes available once you're redlining etc, then its about watching and reacting.

    Best bet would be if you're serious about it, to start making the game and when stuck, ask here in the forums.
  • FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
    oh ok that should be easier then i thought! haha

    but im hoping to start on it in the next 2 days cause my current game will be done today then im gunna buy the apple dev thing so i can test it and upload it! :D
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