TIMER to Change Over 100 Actors to ALPHA (problem)

VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
So I have a timer which starts after 0.5 seconds of the scene which has over 100 rules all doing the same thing but with 100 different actors....i was hoping there might be away to have one rule that does ALL :

Change Attribute:
Scene.Background.ACTOR1-ACTOR100.Colour.Alpha To: 0 (can this be done) What code?

At the moment I Have
Scene.Background.ACTOR1.Colour.Alpha To: 0
Scene.Background.ACTOR2.Colour.Alpha To: 0
Scene.Background.ACTOR3.Colour.Alpha To: 0

And so on, Any help as really struggling to copy and paste attribute.



  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    I would do a boolean game attribute. Lets call it, alpha

    then in each prototype actor make a rule

    When game.alpha is true
    Change self.color.alpha to 1
    Change self.color.alpha to 0

    Then just have your timer in a single controller actor

    After 0.5 seconds
    Change game.alpha to false

    100 actors in one scene is going to be hard on performance just an FYI.
  • VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
    @ Tenrdrmer

    When you say "prototype Actor" Do you mean go in to all the actor separately and edit with that rule ?

    Could I tag all the actors ??? then do it from a Tag. Or does Tag only work with the Collide rule

    Thanks for the Tip about the performance
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Yes, prototype is the actor in the left menu. Instances are the actors in the creator window on the right. So you could have 10 instances of actor1 for example in the scene. So changing the prototype would change all the instances as well (providing they weren't unlocked instances).

    You'll need to put the rule tenrdrmer said in each actor.
  • VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
    Got ya, Thanks

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  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    There's really no shortcut to what you want to do. But surely all 100 actors are not separate prototypes. Although If you have unlocked any of them you will have to do it from the instance instead.
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