How could I make a "snake" in GS?

part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi everyone,

I've been looking to make a simple snake game for awhile.. I'm just talking it being made out of a number of circles, not like some kind of life like snake, although that would be neat too.

A train would be a good analogy also.. a series of circles (boxcars) that move together and turn as the head (engine) moves around.

not sure if i want to use physics or not.. but i can't seem to figure out a good way to keep each piece connected to the next one so they move in unison.. I'm thinking more of a snake that turns.. not the traditional 90 degree type.. one that can curve

I tried some experiments with move, but it seemed like i couldn't keep the values updated so things wouldn't last long.



  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    Ok that's awesome. Yea it just seemed like the game rules i had to work with were not really quite behaving as needed...

    Yea i'm really excited about tables and arrays... i can really see how that would be useful for object behaviors like this.

    Thanks for the validation about how feasible it is at this time. At least I know that project will have to wait a bit..

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