Platformer template trouble

nowherejaynowherejay Member, PRO Posts: 85
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

Right now I'm working with deep blue ideas fantastic platformer template and I was wondering if anyone could answer some questions regarding game salad. First in order to make a level bigger I must go into graphics layer and simply change the height and width correct? So if I wanted a classic side scroller where it goes from left to right all I would need to do is change the width.
Also in e platformer template the HUD and hero are on the same top level and the default position is the bottom left corner of the screen (0,0?) if I wanted to have a platformer level where I started at the top(768,0) and moved down, how do I do that? Do I change the height width in the graphics tab so that if the screen must default to bottom left, I make the height a negative number (-768) so then I'd be make the screen size bigger downward?

Sorry if this is confusing, but I hope someone can help!


  • nowherejaynowherejay Member, PRO Posts: 85
    Thanks! That helped a lot! I'm gonna give it a try tomorow morning. Thanks tshirt!
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