Score Inconsistancies

IngDesignIngDesign Member Posts: 7
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey all, I tried to find an answer to this in here but couldn't effectively sort through everything.

I have a top five score board scene, and it works all fine and dandy in gamesalad.

However, when I test it in the iOS simulator, it only shows the top score centered in the screen rather than all 5... Any idears on that? - I'm in 0.9.82

I'm not completely through the dev program registration at apple yet, so I can't see if this is happening on a real phone yet.

Thanks! This forum has been really helpful even though I've been more of a lurker...


  • IngDesignIngDesign Member Posts: 7
    Thats what I thought! Doesn't make any sense...

    I'll post some shots when I get home this evening.

    Thanks man!
  • IngDesignIngDesign Member Posts: 7
    Here are screen shots of my set up, I'm pretty sure you can get the feel for how I did it. It's been a month or so, but I'm pretty sure it was based off one of the template demos.

    Score rules (with top score expanded)

    second from top score expanded (the rest just carry on the same pattern)

    Display in gamesalad

    Display on iOS simulator
  • IngDesignIngDesign Member Posts: 7
    Bump... this bugger is still an issue for me.

    ... any clever idears?
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