Can I sell my products from a different account?

dimokdimok Member Posts: 16
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
At the moment I am working on a project, I want to put it on iTunes and the collected money will go for a charity. But I don't really know how the money business works between my account and the iTunes... for an instance, how do recive the money?
Also, Is it possible to register the school's credit card so that the money goes straight to the school? but in this case, will there be a way to track the amount of money collected?
If you have an understanding about how the financials work in the process of publishing the product in itunes, please help me out :).
Thanks in adnance!


  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Apple sets up based on your bank account, or rather, whoever has the Apple Developer license. It would be a pain to get the money to the schools account I would imagine, since whoever has the I.S.D.'s account would have to be the developer on file with Apple. This is just a guess, but that's how they do it for the general masses.

    Apple direct deposits into your bank account you set up with them. And they track the downloads/sales of an app, and from what country, and you can view these daily reports through iTunes Connect.

    Hope that helps.
  • dimokdimok Member Posts: 16
    Thanks! yes, that helped a lot!
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