Monstrous Music Poll

LiquidGameworksLiquidGameworks Anchorage, AKMember, Sous Chef Posts: 956
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

I do a little bit of composition, and am now working on the soundtrack to Monstrous. My initial thought was to have a dark, gritty, fairly metal soundtrack with lots of ambiance and dissonance (My first inspirational thought was "The End is the Beginning of the End - Smashing Pumpkins - Watchmen version". However, I realize that most users won't listen to the track, and if they do, they won't have their headphones in. I imagine that my initial music thought would sound pretty bad coming through a mono Iphone speaker. So, I'm using this thread to gather opinions, and also to send some demo tracks your way to get your response.

What are your thoughts? Should I optimize the music for the mono Iphone speaker, or create a masterpiece and insist users plug in headphones for the full experience? What are your experiences?

For more info about the app content and "feel", here's the link

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