Any clue how to do this?

MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello guys, how are you?

Does someone have any clue on how to do a game like this

Where you need to balance, while stuff is falling and unbalancing you?

Any Template available?



  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881
    Here is how to get things started:

    Make an actor (width = 100, height = 250) and place it exactly in the center of the scene.

    Give the actor a constrain behavior--
    Constrain Attribute: self.motion.Angular Velocity To: self.Motion.Angular Velocity + ((game.Display Size.Width / 2) - game.Mouse.Position.X) * .001

    Then give the actor a timer behavior--
    Every 2 seconds:
    ----Change Attribute: self.motion.Angular Velocity To: random(0,50) - 25

    Then play it and try to keep the actor balanced by moving the mouse left and right.
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