no money with iAd outside the USA
I am a pro user and use the iAd in one of my free apps. as you can see in the attached screenshot, iAd works really bad for me outside the usa.
Link to iTunesConnect Screenshot
In the beginning I enabled all countries to download the free app (exactly the same app as the $1.99 app, but with advertisement from iAd). After about 2 weeks I realize only us market works. I am from germany and most advertisements request comes from germany, but apple can't serve Ads in a way like on the us market.
This brings a situation, where it make no sense to download the $1.99 app, because the free version did not show any Ad in most countries and can be used like the full version.
This issue kills the marketing strategy total!
From my pov we need one of the other Ad networks to make money with the pro version.
The only difference to the free version at this time is a expensive, $500.00 custom splash screen.
I am a pro user and use the iAd in one of my free apps. as you can see in the attached screenshot, iAd works really bad for me outside the usa.
Link to iTunesConnect Screenshot
In the beginning I enabled all countries to download the free app (exactly the same app as the $1.99 app, but with advertisement from iAd). After about 2 weeks I realize only us market works. I am from germany and most advertisements request comes from germany, but apple can't serve Ads in a way like on the us market.
This brings a situation, where it make no sense to download the $1.99 app, because the free version did not show any Ad in most countries and can be used like the full version.
This issue kills the marketing strategy total!
From my pov we need one of the other Ad networks to make money with the pro version.
The only difference to the free version at this time is a expensive, $500.00 custom splash screen.

"Ad advertisements are currently being served to apps on the U.S., U.K., Germany, Italy, Spain, France, and Japan App Stores."
As you can see on my screenshot above, on 3553 Requests comes 6 (in Words SIX) Impressions. This is a revenue of $0.02!
Than have a look at United States: 2101 Requests and 2017 Impression. with a Revenue of $37.23
Again, this is not a technical issue of GS, but the decision to use a ad-network that works nearly only for US, for a international product, can't understand this....
Anyway, I hope the long-promised InApp Purchase feature comes in the next release.
Double cross your fingers with me
Excuse me for omit the other feature of the pro version.
Maybe I explained it not good enough, what could be because I am not a native english speaker. But from the (typical) marketing strategy to bring you app in a pay and a free version with ads on the market, make this only sense, if you create a motivation to buy the full version.
The buyer of the app can choose between this two options, but I want make money with booth decisions
The other pro features like leader board or external links are great features and a plus for an app that comes with a regular price, but they are not a big help for a return of investment if you have a free version.
That link obviously does not include the other Pro-specific features soon to come online.
Sorry, but this song plays for a very long time in the radio
looking forward to see InAp Purchase very soon.
I'd be curious to know how the heck you have managed to get a 96% fill rate period.
What app is this? I have never in my life heard of someone getting a fill rate like that anywhere. even on the other ad platforms.
and I think SSS is referring to the access to GameCenter as well. Which for some reason people demand in their games even when there is really no point. If the customer expects it then that $500 is well worth it. Its not GS fault you didn't use that feature.
It's not a question of "worth", if Gamecenter is in pro, than have it to be worth the money.
btw. I use Gamecenter in a actual game, but Gamecenter makes no money, like Ads or InApp Purchase. And I never said it's GS fault when Apple have no Ad's to share in other countries.
Furthermore is the question, WHY GS make a decision for iAP and not for e.g. AdMob or similar ad networks?
I don't know the facts with IAd, before I purchased the pro version, and give it to a translating agency to translate this app in the 6 main languages. Furthermore I believed the roadmap and wait with another game on the InApp Purchase, but a few days after deadline I read here about it comes at a later release. Don't try to sell me something I have already bought
I am not only a pro member, I am a customer and people like me, they payed the $499, make all this here possible and the basement for the next years here at GS. From a commercial point of view, I buy this License to make money with it. That's the simple truth.
The filtrate of 96% comes from an IPad app. It's a app for children and I tunes connect ask me if this app is for a audience under 14 or so. I say yes to this, but have no idea if this is the reason for the high filrate.
@sss: I am pretty interested in the results from your marketing talking, don't forget me
best regards
Although I am am a bit disappointed apple would serve more ads to kids. I think its crap to put ads in a children's app period.
But back to the point. What is the app? name and Link Please.
The link?
Funny, your asking sound exactly like as the police who checked my driver license last night.
(knock on window, on hand back on the gun)
Sir, is this your Car? ID-Card and license please.
Don't want the link public here, but leave your mail here I will send it to you.
best regards
The link is public. Its on iTunes it does not even make sense why you would not want it posted publicly everywhere.
Elementary my dear Watson!
I found it easily enough
/smokes pipe
/plays violin
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Any quality dev would want there link posted as much as possible.
sketchy sketchy
By the way it is easy to find his game and see that it is just a simple but nice looking memory game for kids.
I also think that it is odd not to post the link publicly as much as possible. But that is his decision and not ours.