Hello New York
Hi all,
I wanted to introduce myself. I am in the process of learning GameSalad with my students. We are creating a game that we will be posting soon. I look forward to getting to know you and the work that you all are doing in this game community!
I wanted to introduce myself. I am in the process of learning GameSalad with my students. We are creating a game that we will be posting soon. I look forward to getting to know you and the work that you all are doing in this game community!
I always love hearing about gamesalad in the classroom.
And im right below you in New Jersey, kinda cold tonight ehh?
Ah! Great idea. I did a 'Sjoelen' game when I started (Penny Shoel).
That is a Dutch board game everyone had when I was little.
Have fun with GS!
Lump Apps and My Assets
Good choice to change the name.
I am a freelance graphic designer and work mostly for educational editors (Sanoma).
Mostly for primar school. It is very interesting, specially from the didactic perspective.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Anyways, at one point I had to learn it!
And I'm still a newbie, but hopefully before the end of this year you'll see my game in the App Store.
Last November you welcomed me and my students to this community...we wanted you to know that our first app in up on the Apple Store: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tops/id503252761?mt=8
My students and I would greatly appreciate the feedback for improvement.
We are in the process of updating it, as it is still rough.
Thanks in Advance!
I played TOPS but I didn't know what to do. I can shuffle the big cap but moves to fast.
Honestly I was a bit disappointed. Perhaps in an update there can be a tutorial on how Skelly works.
What is the math on top and wat is the red cap for?
Lump Apps and My Assets
Thanks for the feeback...game is very rough at this point.
Ok, The basic object is to answer the math problem by moving your bottle cap to the answer on the board. i.e. if you are presented with 7+2= then you must move your bottle cap to 9. The red cap in future versions will be an obstacle preventing the player to reach the answer. We have a HOW TO PLAY section...what do you think we should add/remove to make it clearer?