IM in desperate need of help!!

FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
okay so everything is working like i want it too now, except this.

basically when my mouse is moving it moves in the direction i want it too and it points in the direction its going.

but when it comes to a COMPLETE stop it wants to do this werid thing i cant explain, so i made this quick clip of it.

notice how the mouse moves back and forth real fast like that.


  • FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
    so, i hate to bump this.

    Its just im trying everything, i deleted my actor, and re did all the accelerometer commands to try to get it to work and it does it everytime..

    like i said i hate to keep bugging the GS community with my problems, its just this is the last thing i have to fix before i can upload..
  • FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
    Ok so i know i started a thread on this already but for some reason i cant figure this out at all ive been watching tutorials and doing all differnent stuff and its just getting worse and ive now been working on this one problem for at least 5 hours now if not longer... but its the last thing that needs to be done before i can upload.

    but why would my mouse do this:

    I do not understand ive done just about everything i can, and nothing helps at all..
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Please do not open multiple threads on the same subject.

    I would suggest using a descriptive Thread title. Things Like "Help" "Please i'm desperate" "Almost there" etc… just do not help people to want to click on your thread. They want to know what your needing help with. I would also suggest uploading to youtube and placing the video right here in the thread. Remember you are asking for help. Don't make people jump through hoops to help you.

  • FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
    alright, well i tried the title describing what was wrong eariler and it didnt help, so i figured id try to take a different approach hoping it would help. which i guess it kinda did cause i now know to upload my probelm video to youtube first.

  • FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
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