How do you make objects to reset to original position?

chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
...After the scene has been reset. I'm using Darren's "Jetpack Joyride" template for my game and I've added some items to the scene. They appear in the first preview, but when the scene resets for any reason (either the scene x coordinates looping back to the original x position or if the Hero dies and a manual "reset" happens... these objects do not show up.

Any thoughts?


  • chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
    Alright... English is my first language... But the grammar of this post title was pretty bad. What I intended to ask was... "How do you make objects reset to their original position?"
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    if your resetting the scene everything should go back to its original positions, unless the objects are taking their position from a game attribute that is changed during the game.

    Also not sure how that particular template is setup but is the 'reset' a reset scene behaviour or is it lots of manual resets with lost of rules to put everything back in place.

    If no luck, send Darren an email I'm sure him or Wayne will get back to you.

    For a collection of professional GameSalad templates and to check out the Summers 'Think Outside The Box' GameSalad competition entries head on over to
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    I used an instant reset for the JetPack and more info can be found by looking in the highlighted actor in the scene.



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  • chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
    Thanks guys... TSB... That video definitely helped. I think it's fixed now. Hey Darren... My jetpack template looks different from the one you posted. Mine only has two buttons on the right. Is here a newer version with more buttons?
  • chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
    Nope... Broken again. I spent all last night trying to troubleshoot the issue, but nothing works. What's worse is that some objects will reset sometimes, but then break and not reset again. It's always on objects that are set to move somehow. When the camera resets and does the "back to the beginning" trick, I sometimes see objects vanish right there. It's like they've been told to die somehow.
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