Overworld possible?

mouae15mouae15 Member Posts: 7
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Is it possible to create an overworld like in supermario and donkey kong?


  • SkyMapleSkyMaple Member Posts: 817
    What do you mean by "overworld"?
  • natzuurnatzuur Member Posts: 304
    Like a world map? Yeah it's possible, there are some templates on world selecting, just modify those.

    You could also create a game attribute to control your character on the map. Such as a real attribute and name it "move to", and create something like a place to touch on a road where a world or zone is, then when touch is pressed change "game.moveto" =1 for level , 2 for 2 etc. Then on the dude have him move to the x and y of the spot you tapped based on what "game.moveto" is set to (IE 2,3,4) and have some colliders, waypoints, or some method of controlled movement to the spot on the map. Something to make it look correct. Then do a rule overlap or collides with the character on the actor that you touched, load level, or add some pop up menus/descriptions by controlling alphas when overlapping etc.
  • mouae15mouae15 Member Posts: 7
    Sweet! sounds good! thanks Natzuur, I'll give that a try.
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