if i made something and sold it it on the GS marketplace or made an app for someone and sold it to them how would i get paid? or what would be the best/most secure way to get the payments?
You link your paypal account to your bank account. After you get a money in your paypal you can request a transfer, which sends the money from paypal to you bank, and that usually takes 3-5 business days.
Quick question- We can't currently sell things in the gs marketplace, correct?
SkyMaple said: You link your paypal account to your bank account. After you get a money in your paypal you can request a transfer, which sends the money from paypal to you bank, and that usually takes 3-5 business days.
Quick question- We can't currently sell things in the gs marketplace, correct?
you can you have to apply for it threw gamesalad though
Quick question- We can't currently sell things in the gs marketplace, correct?