Question about testing

IsabelleKIsabelleK Member, Sous Chef Posts: 2,807
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I get a reply from GS team, about problems with GS Viewer (it's crashing everytime with every project, on iOS 5). They said, that GS team is aware about this issue, and they are working to solve it. Great reply, but...
It can be fixed next month, and I can't wait. My new game is ready, and I only need to test it (if it's not crashing on the device).
It's pretty simple - I can make an adhoc build and test it on the device (I would see if the game is crashing or not). But, I have only non Retina devices, and I'm afraid about RAM usage for Retina images.
I'm just wondering it that would work:
if I make an iPhone adhoc (with Resolution Independence turned OFF, but with Retina size images), and test it on my iPad 1, to see if it will crash.
Is this make any sense? Does maximum RAM usage for iPad 1 is the same as for iPhone 4?

Thank you for any replies!


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