Timer With better graphics

kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

is it possible that you can make the timer less pixilated than it is right now. Or maybe can you change it to your own graphics. maybe.

if so how do you do this. i have already got the timer interpolated


  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    What timer are you talking about , the GS template ?
    If you want to change the graphics in your project simply replace them in the editor .

  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    is there a template for this or tuorial, basically i want to change the text to image's.
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    what do i type in
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    ok tshirtbooth, is there any tutorials for this please
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    how do you change it so it counts down
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    thanks for now tshirtbooth
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    ok how do you make the timer on the custom font bit count down from a certain number.
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    kirkland said:
    ok how do you make the timer on the custom font bit count down from a certain number.

    what? didn't tshirt tell you to change the game time to your owns? then change that attribute
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    oh ok
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    ok but when i click on the custom number, the actor does not have a game attribute but a a self.mydigit attribute. however it does have a game.startcapture time and i have changed that and it does not work any suggestions please
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    would this work with custom fonts
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    what attrribute is game.start level

    where do we put these rules, is it in the digits
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    just one last question

    where do i put this
    when game.start level is true and game.timer is = or greater then 0
    change attribute game.startclock to game.time
    constrain game.timer to 30-( game.Time - self.startclock)

    is that in my digits and also i do not want to see 100th's of a seconds so is that still an real attribute for each one or...
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    ok, oh i see basically whenever the level starts i want it to countdown from a certain number of seconds. Does this help. can you help me still. still i do not understand what actor you would put this in

    when game.start level is true and game.timer is = or greater then 0
    change attribute game.startclock to game.time
    constrain game.timer to 30-( game.Time - self.startclock)

    i am sorry i frustrate you. i do not do it deliberately
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    basically i want the timer to start counting down when the level starts immediately
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    will that link to my custom fonts. what do i add into them to make that change
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    i am seriously not messing you around, i would not waste your time
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    ok this will fix it, if you answer the last question tshirtbooth

    why can't i change the time on my actor the time section is grey and i can't change the value. why can't i change it and how do i change it
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268

    in my actor i have it saying self.mydigit to floor((( game.Time %60)% self.divisor )/( self.divisor /10)) in a constrain attribute

    do i need to change game.time to game.timer then
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    no in the demo when you start up type in time demo
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    hahahahha deja vu
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    I've chuckled at every post :)

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    hahaha See what being a nice guy gets you.

    LOL this was very entertaining.
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    what r u on about. i have done it now
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