Moveto issue

mikbiomikbio Member Posts: 54
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a problem with moveto behavior. I have 4 actor that and i want them to swap positions so i managed to give every actor some moveto behaviors. I wrote something about that in a post a week ago, and after then i placed 2 wals at the two corners of the screen but didn't work, so i deleted the two walls and everything seemed to work correctly but now i have the same problem again. At some point in the game an actor slips away from it's position and goes directly out of the screen.
I really need help with that please :(


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    dont use move to use interpolate
  • mikbiomikbio Member Posts: 54
    I'll try. Thank you very much
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    While what John suggested may solve your problem , i still think this issue was ignored for too long now ! "move to" is misfiring 1 out of 3 attempts, and sometimes we can't replace it with interpolate cause the interpolate behavior override every collision behavior and can cause some unwanted results , and when you deal with movable actors that interact with each other via collision and collide/bounce of one another , you need this behavior to work correctly .

    GS has ignored this issue for more than 18 months, if you (GS) don't want it in your software, then remove it , don't leave it there cause we want to use it but we can't ! best thing will be just to fix it , how hard could it be?

  • mikbiomikbio Member Posts: 54
    I entirely agree with POM. By the way i've just tried out the interpolation behavior, it did not solve completely my problem, i still have actors that sometimes slip out of the scene.
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Can you post a video of it slipping off the screen so I can see what you mean?

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