Did I do everything right when finishing?
first I created a provisioning profile and a new app ID. Then I set up all banking and tax stuff. Then I published my game to GameSalad and unzipped the file. On iTunes connect I created a new app, and set up everything till I came to the point where it says "Waiting for upload". Then I went into the application loader, and selected the unziped file. Then the error comes.
Did I everything right? Or missed I something? I followed Tshirtbooths videos all way up...
first I created a provisioning profile and a new app ID. Then I set up all banking and tax stuff. Then I published my game to GameSalad and unzipped the file. On iTunes connect I created a new app, and set up everything till I came to the point where it says "Waiting for upload". Then I went into the application loader, and selected the unziped file. Then the error comes.
Did I everything right? Or missed I something? I followed Tshirtbooths videos all way up...
the unzipped can't be chosen in the application loader...it also does not work when I drag the unzipped file into iTunes and try to install it, always error and installing but the main problem is the error at the application loader
@Ace: thx
What error are you getting from the Application Loader?
I tested my game with the GameSalad Viewer, I also let a few different people play the game to look for other mistakes or something like that...
Ad Hoc means to use it with Xcode or?
Error displays: "Error communicating to iTunes Store"
Just create a new distribution provisioning profile for the game in the Provisioning Portal, but instead of clicking App Store, click Ad Hoc.
Are you running Little Snitch on your Mac? That could be blocking it. Also, different accounts on your mac can affect that error. Also, I believe it uses Java, so you may have to allow in Java security.
I don't know anything about Little Snitch? What's that? I only have one account on my mac, I am new to Mac so where do I find Java Security because under system preferences security, there is only general,firewall ...but nothing about Java..
thx Ace
If you don't know about Little Snitch then you probably don't have it.
Could be that you don't have Java, I don't think it comes with Lion by default.
thank you very much Ace
I've been uploading to Apple for 18 months now and it's still never flawless, there system isn't the oct user friendly.
Each level starts after 2-3 seconds, then all plattforms come from the bottom up and the time starts to run, I did not programm anything like this, also sometimes the wall doesn't comes,and sometimes it comes
oh man, what's that??^^
Should the levels start straight away? Should the platforms move?
It is impossible to diagnose without seeing the project though.
I don't know where to look for, because there is no behavior,rule,or attribute saying something like this!