Rule being triggered when attributes are not appropriately true

ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I am encountering a strange situation where a Rule behavior that is nested inside of a couple of other Rule behaviors is being triggered even though the conditions for the outer Rules that contain it are not true. The condition for the nested Rule is true, but it should not be triggering because the conditions for the outer Rules in which it is nested are NOT true. I used the debugger extensively to locate and discover this being the root of the issue. This is in GS .82, not the newest update of today's release.

Anyone else experience anything similar? I have reported this to the GS team by way of the feedback for bug reporting. This is the kind of gremlin that can cause some serious damage to a project. It was very unexpected behavior, hard to diagnose, and it is causing very strange results in my game project.


  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    so, basically what seems to be occurring is that GS is treating this nested Rule as if it is not nested inside the other rules. The Rule in question is located inside of the Otherwise section of an actor's root level Rule behavior, and then also inside the primary section of a Rule that is inside that first Otherwise section. For example, it looks like this....

    Rule A [
    Otherwise [
    Rule B [
    Rule C

    and "Rule C" here is the one that is being triggered, even though the conditions of the containing rules are not logically true at the time that the nested "Rule C" is being triggered due to it's own logical condition being true. Being nested inside of the other rules however, "Rule C" should not be getting triggered in this situation, but it does get triggered, and hence, my project is acting strange. Apparently, GS is treating this "Rule C" as if it were not nested inside of the other two Rule behaviors, and evaluating it as if it were not nested inside the other rules at all. As far as I can tell, none of the other behaviors contained inside of these nested Rules are being executed in this situation, only the behaviors of "Rule C" when its own condition becomes true.

    Very odd.
  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    maybe if I update to today's new version .85 this problem will disappear?

    maybe if I delete the "Rule C" behavior, then save the file, close GS, and then re-open GS and put the "Rule C" behavior back into the project, it will then miraculously work properly as it should?

    not sure what to do.... anyone care to share your thoughts?
  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    when I remove the "Rule C" behavior, and leave the behaviors that had been inside of "Rule C", but without the Rule, the behaviors do not get executed... and they shouldn't get executed, because they are contained within the outer Rules (as shown and described above), the test conditions for which are not true.

    But, when the "Rule C" is placed there to contain these behaviors, they shouldn't have been getting executed then either, because even though "Rule C" tests for a condition that is true, it is nested inside of the other Rules that have conditions that are false, so the code for "Rule C" shouldn't even be getting tested at all in this situation.

    I am certain that there is some kind of strange bug in GameSalad related to this issue.
  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    btw, all of these Rule behaviors test for a simple boolean true/false attribute.

    another thing that might affect the behavior here, although it should not, is that there is another Rule elsewhere contained in this actor that also tests for the same boolean attribute as "Rule C", but it is not nested in the other rules as described above and it contains different behaviors than "Rule C".
  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    Has anyone else experienced a similar issue when using nested Rule behaviors in GameSalad?
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    Try this :
    Instead of nesting rule c ,
    Make a self.attribute - boolean , call it "trigger rule c"

    Make rule C independent and wrap it in a rule :
    When self.trigger rule c IS TRUE
    DO rule C .

    All thats left is to change "trigger rule c" to true when you want it to trigger .

    Hope it helps (not sure)

  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    Not sure if your workaround would fix this situation or not Roy, but thanks for the helpful thought. I might try that and see what happens.

    Nevertheless, I am now experiencing this same type of issue with another nested Rule that I have newly placed into a different section of this same actor's behaviors. Once again, I am getting the VERY STRANGE result that a nested Rule is being triggered when the conditions for the Rules that contain it are not true.

    GameSalad should NOT be producing this kind of strange behavior. It obviously makes it impossible to use the software if the most basic logic functions are not producing the intended results. This is not good. I am very frustrated by this.

    This particular actor is my game's main character, the game's hero of sorts, and he is a multifunctional character, which has resulted in this actor containing quite a large number of behaviors (even though I have made a concerted effort to streamline them as much as possible). Does gamesalad have some sort of limit on the number of behaviors that can be contained inside of a single actor, beyond which the actor's Rule behaviors will not properly function??? If so, please let me know.
  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    has anyone else experienced this bug with nested Rule behaviors??? anyone care to share your thoughts????
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Yeah on the most recent two builds, I have found nested rules occasionally miss-trigger as well as rules with when attribute x & y & z are true.

    It's not been a huge problem for me on my current game, just something I noticed when playing with someone else's project for them. I haven't had the time to play around with it to see if there were conflicting rules/the layer order was correct, etc.

  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    Thanks mynameisace for confirming that this bug is happening to people other than just me.

    I'm still on version .82, which is the first version that has ever caused me to have this problem with nested Rule behaviors that misfire. This is a critically serious issue, and one that if not addressed and fixed by the GS team, will result in me not being able to use GS anymore.

    Please, I beg of you GameSalad team to fix this issue as soon as it is humanly possible for you to do so. Thank you :-)
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    ARC_Games said:
    Thanks mynameisace for confirming that this bug is happening to people other than just me.

    I'm still on version .82, which is the first version that has ever caused me to have this problem with nested Rule behaviors that misfire. This is a critically serious issue, and one that if not addressed and fixed by the GS team, will result in me not being able to use GS anymore.

    Please, I beg of you GameSalad team to fix this issue as soon as it is humanly possible for you to do so. Thank you :-)

    Hey ARC ,
    This seems like a big issue if its not a problem with your code , i suggest you submit your project to GS so they can see the problem with their own eyes and solve this cause this is important!

  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    exactly P-O-M, this is a very BIG ISSUE. I did submit a bug report to GS by way of the feedback system, and received the generic email response that they send.

    this bug with the nested Rules not working is probably causing a lot of other people to have problems with their GS projects, they just might not have debugged it as thoroughly as I did to discover that this is the problem. In terms of significance, this issue is equivalent to a processor's ALU giving a result of 2 + 2 = 7. It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to move forward on my game project until the GS team fixes this issue. It is a critical issue that needs to be fixed about two weeks ago!

    SaladStraightShooter, could you please confirm for me brother that the programmers at GS are looking into this MAJOR bug issue, and that they are fixing it? Thanks mate. Until the problem is fixed, my project that I've been working on for over a year is on hold... there is nothing I can do until you guys fix this bug.
  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    I believe that tshirtbooth is experiencing a similar problem with Rule behaviors that are not producing the intended results.
  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    I have just now sent another bug report to the GS team, this time with more details, and here's hoping that they will pay it the proper attention and fix this critical bug ASAP....

    anyone else who is experiencing this bug, please comment here and also send a bug report to GS using the feedback system. thanks, let's get them to fix this before it ruins all of our projects.
  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    I would really appreciate it if someone from the GameSalad team would confirm that they are looking into this issue and fixing this critical bug with nested Rule behaviors.

    SaladStraightShooter, can you please get some confirmation for me that the GS team is aware of this bug and making an effort to fix it???

    I appreciate that a patch is in the works for some of the other bugs, but I would greatly hope that this bug will be fixed in the newest patch as well.
  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    well, I did at least notice that someone named Justin from the help desk has emailed me about the bug reports that I submitted. that's a good sign... hopefully this bug will get fixed soon :-)
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