
ExactlyGamingEGExactlyGamingEG Member Posts: 18
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I am getting close to finishing my first app; however, my game uses both hands to play so playing it on a computer is very difficult for testing. Is there anyway to put it on my own ipod for testing to make sure there aren't any glitches or bugs?


  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    It's called the GameSalad viewer (now iOS Viewer) - download link at bottom of page and search forums for how to use.

    You can also make an Ad-Hoc build. Search the forums for help to do this. You'll need an Ad-Hoc distribution provisioning profile (from apple developer site) and your device added as a testing device in x-code. Then publish from GS creator selecting the correct App ID , follow the GS link to test on your device (i.e. sync iTunes) and should be on your phone.
  • ExactlyGamingEGExactlyGamingEG Member Posts: 18
    thank you very much, this helps me a lot
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