How to pop up an object and make the rest darker

davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
When the user of my game loses, I want a Game Over image I made to appear, but the rest of the screen go slightly darker (like when pausing), but I don't want to pause the movement from behind.
Or should I only create a 960x640px square with opacity? That would do the trick too I guess ;)


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    yeah have a actor take up the whole screen with a alpha of 0 and a black color. WHenever yo u trigger the game over also trigger that actor to change its alpha to .7 or something

  • davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
    Thanks, I was about to ask what variable was it; but now I know it's Alpha :)

  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    You could do this with a single image that you made in photoshop. Do the game over text on a top layer and then do a solid black on a layer below and set it to 50% opacity, then save out to a 24bit png with transparence through the web save. It is then just a case of making the whole thing visible and the 50% portion of the image will partially mask the elements behind it, while the text will be solid.
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