Interpolate bug

mikbiomikbio Member Posts: 54
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I changed all the behaviors of my actors from MOVETO to INTERPOLATE, i solved part of my problems because now most of the times the actors stop in the right place. However i get sometimes to have the same bug of the moveto behavior, and that happens only for one of the four actors and not every time. Is there another way to make actors move and stop where i want?


  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Have you updated to 0.985? If so there is a known bug with interpolate at the moment. Normally this is the best thing to use and is accurate.
  • mikbiomikbio Member Posts: 54
    yup, i've updated yesturday, hope that they will fix this bug as soon as they can.
  • GuaveMediaGuaveMedia Member, PRO Posts: 1,262
    It is the bug ;) I was to publish my game and before that I updated GameSalad ://

    yeah, hope the bug will be fixed soon...
    time to think of new ideas meanwhile...

  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    Yup.. its a development killer for I use interpolate heavily in most of my projects, and theres no point in me going through trying to do a fudge fix for all of them.

    I expect its going to affect most developers in some way.

    It definately needs an immediate fix.... as this is one situation where waiting weeks for a fix is just plain unacceptable.
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