Server Maintainace & Fixes - 1 Hour Downtime - 1pm CST

Hey, everybody.
We've been looking long and hard into many of the issues reported since we launched android publishing yesterday. It looks like we've located the problem and we're going to be bringing down the servers for a short time this afternoon to implement the fix. Here's the official word from our Director of Web Development:
First off I'd like to apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced with the new release.
While it seems to be working most of the time, there are instances where request back up,
causing the infamous lag in the pre publish portfolio view (among other problems).
Because of the idiosyncrasies with Android we needed to build out new (and different) servers
to handle publishing. Unfortunately we underestimated the popularity of android and
overestimated the performance characteristics of our new servers, so we will need to take the
servers down for about an hour to shuffle some servers around for better performance.
We will be shooting to do this at around 1pm CT. Thank you for your patience and
I'm looking forward to seeing all of your games on Android!
Tan Tran
The fix could take up to two hours, but we expect to have things up and running much sooner than that. We appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues. Thank you.
We've been looking long and hard into many of the issues reported since we launched android publishing yesterday. It looks like we've located the problem and we're going to be bringing down the servers for a short time this afternoon to implement the fix. Here's the official word from our Director of Web Development:
First off I'd like to apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced with the new release.
While it seems to be working most of the time, there are instances where request back up,
causing the infamous lag in the pre publish portfolio view (among other problems).
Because of the idiosyncrasies with Android we needed to build out new (and different) servers
to handle publishing. Unfortunately we underestimated the popularity of android and
overestimated the performance characteristics of our new servers, so we will need to take the
servers down for about an hour to shuffle some servers around for better performance.
We will be shooting to do this at around 1pm CT. Thank you for your patience and
I'm looking forward to seeing all of your games on Android!
Tan Tran
The fix could take up to two hours, but we expect to have things up and running much sooner than that. We appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues. Thank you.
Web side bugs seem to be just a matter of some adjustments. What bothers me, even as a lot of users, are the bugs found when publishing for Android devices.
But as, IMO, it's time to help and not complain, here're the bugs I'm experiencing when testing my games using a Galaxy Tab 7"
- Sometimes, actors behaving like "stop-motion" when on movement.
- Increased scenes loading times
- Delay when playing any sound or spawning an actor. Maybe something related to timers.
None of them are found when executing on iOS Devices.
My games are quite ready to be published on Android market but I can't waste a chance (maybe the only) to launch a game that can be a success, because of performance issues that can completely destroy user experience.
The most of GS users are newbies, always complaining about the Pro price and submitting crap to the app store. But some of them make games for living, like me, and although eventually use more than one solution, consider GameSalad an AWESOME PIECE OF SOFTWARE!
My Pro subscription is about to expire in 20 days. With this release, I went from heaven to hell in a few hours. I can't hide that I'm a bit disappointed.
Yes, our servers are back up. We're doing more QA passes right now and we'll be keeping an eye on them throughout the weekend. Thanks for your patience.