Collisions again...

Trapper74Trapper74 Member Posts: 45
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
ok so i have an been making a game for a while now that would benefit greatly from per pixel collisions as im sure many others have too, i decided some time ago (after reading somewhere on these forums that per pixel collisions would come in a fall update) that i would wait for said update and if it doesn't come i would try to release before christmas.

well times getting on on now and i cant find any recent news about it so basically my question is does anyone know anything about the progress of this much requested and frankly vital feature?

p.s also getting a problem with a certain actor sticking to the walls it hits and then just going plain crazy and spazzing out in circles all over the shop, the other actors dont do this they just bounce nicely :/ any tips would be appreciated thnx! :)


  • Trapper74Trapper74 Member Posts: 45
    damn! although im positive i read it in the road map thread :(

    thnx for the reply tho ur tutorials have really helped me out recently :P
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