Lion Fullscreen mode, Resumes, Versions & Autosave

SimplestuffSimplestuff Member Posts: 2
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Any chance of adding Lion-specific features like Fullscreen?

I would really love to work with GameSalad in Fullscreen
It would really helps improve the workflow and getting slightly bigger screen size =)

It shouldn't take much hassle to add the fullscreen mode~
So hopefully we'll be able to see it in the next version of GS! =P

Other features of Lion would be great too: AutoSave and Versions!

Resume seems to be working for GameSalad though (correct me if I'm wrong >,< )


[Offtopic] Also consider adding support for JoyPad (free) too! (

Hopefully this will be available for the Free Version~

Thanks for your time =)
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