How to restart the level?

davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello everyone,
I'm having some trouble making the level to restart correctly.
I've used Reset Game and/or Reset Scene but the time never restarts.
I can make the SCORE go to 0 again just by changing the attribute, and I've tried the same with the TIME but it didn't work.

Any ideas?



  • bluebyu25bluebyu25 Member Posts: 500
    Create your own timer, dont use the built in one. Never use reset scene if you can help it, I always use a boolean like restartGame and when its true have a rule changing your attributes back to the conditions to make a game "reset" (i.e. your starting conditions.....)
  • davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
    And how can I create my own timer? I didn't even knew it was possible.
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