Estimated Game Development Time
I am exploring different options for building a game with game salad and I was wondering, excluding graphics and sound how long will it take to develop an angry birds type game (not a copy just similar parameters). I am a beginner but learning the different game processes fairly quickly.
If I were to pick a "type" of game to start out with, I'd choose one of these:
Endless Runner (these don't have hundreds of levels, so allow you to focus on detail. Check out Deep Blue Apps free template for this to get a feel)
Sheep Stacker (very limited in terms of amount of mechanics, thus simpler to focus on)
Astroids (rotate and shoot, right?)
Space Invaders (again, relatively simple mechanics)
There is one caveat. Make sure to pick something you'll have fun building and is simple. If you try to learn on an AB style game, you may get frustrated with the learning curve before you ever get to the actual difficult part, which is creative level design and debugging. Good luck!