Posting hi-score to Twitter / Facebook

zapposhzapposh Member Posts: 65
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I've had a pro account for a while now, and ever since buying it have been praying for is for players to be able to post their high scores to Twitter (including the AppStore link of the game) and same goes for FB.
This is not about the scores, it's about the game marketing! So all in all I've paid 500$ to use my own splash screen. Great.

What also would be truly amazing, in that this forum's function "subscribe to topic via email" actually works. I always tick the box, use several pc's, browsers etc, and even changed email address thinking it was the problem, and guess what, never have I ever received one mail following a post.

The result is I cannot even follow my own posts and give up looking for them after a couple of days. Which is silly really, as this whole thing is about a community of developers.

Spring based physics, hierarchies for parenting objects to each other and inverse kinematics would also be nice, but the function above are my priorities.

(Here we go, I'm even going to check the "subscribe to topic via email" just in case. I might get lucky.)


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