Pow, pad and precision functions
apologies if this has been answered a thousand times before but i'm not sure where i've been or whether this is a new function with the android update that i never noticed before. But can someone explain these functions to me please?..what they do basically...
Precision(x,y) - Displays a floating point number with a specified precision (If you call Precision(1.23456, 4), you will see 1.235)
PadInt(x,y) - Displays an integer with the specified number of digits (if you call PadInt(32,5), you will see 00032)
PadReal(x.y,z) - Displays a floating point with padding and precision (if you call padReal(9.1234, 15, 6), you will see 0000009.123400)#
Found this one in wiki :
Usage: pow(x,y)
Return the value of x to the power of y.
Example: power(2,3) = 2*2*2 = 8