How do I make the sound go louder and lofs



  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Here you go, this gets louder dependant on how much you tilt the device.

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    The template works like I want, but when I try my it did not work, maybe because is imported to music, how can I change it to imported to sound?

  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Just change the code in the instance to music.volume instead of sound.volume.

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    where exactly I change it?
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    In the instance version of Actor 1 that is on the scene.

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    This is wear, it still did not work
  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    I Think it has to do the fact that is not imported as sound or something, because i try on your demo adding my sound which is imported to music automatically for some reason and did not work
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Yeah, so just change it from sound to music, like I said.

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    actually i had try importing other sound and also did not work, but when go to the sounds section were you import sounds and music, then i click play it does not sound or play music, so maybe i am not doing in it wrong
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    It's definitely something on your end, as I have shown it works in the template, just play around with it for an hour or two to get to grips with the code and stuff.

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    yes i did change it to music, and also test it with other sound and still did not work, when i play the sound it do actually sound only the bell.

    is there something else you did that you din't tell me?

  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Nope, it is all there in the instance for you to see.

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    OK, I couldn't figure it out this one, but there is other way, i think i can use, like when the actor rotate with accelerometer and touches another actor, it will make a sound but with ability to have different volume sounds or adjust volume, if you have that can you make me a demo of this?

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    also making in it connected with other actors, like in the 4 actors on the bottom left, right, up of the actor so when I move or drag this actor the right left, bottom, up stay connected to this actor where ever he is, and those 4 actors making sounds with volume adjust.

  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Yeah, I ain't gonna make you a demo for that. I drove to the other side of the city today just to upload a demo I made for you and you won't even play around with that long enough to give it a chance. I'm all for helping out on stuff, but someone else made the accelerometer demo for you, I added to it with the sound equation. You need to do some work on it yourself instead of getting other people to code the full thing for you. Just keep trying, it will take longer but be a whole lot more satisfying.

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    thank you for all this, and I am sorry to make you drove all the way to the other side of city, I will keep testing with your demo

    thank you so much for your help
  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150

    Now I think I know why is not working, is because on the Play Sound behavior it said no value, but your demo it said the name of the song you imported, so can you tell how to add my sound in the play sound behavior so it just not say no value?

  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Just drag your sound out of the section with images, sounds, behaviours (obviously the sound section) on to bit where you add behaviours and rules.

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    oh, so I do need to imported to sound mode, because when I drag it it said play music, so let me see if I can import it to sound mode
  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    Yes is now working and tested with other sound, now I just need to import my original sound to sound mode, but for some reason it does not ask me, but I check this out and I will let you know

  • SnapFireSnapFire Member Posts: 361
    Maybe Gamesalad shouldn't be free ;) JK

    Good luck with everything don. Be glad you've got a nice guy like Ace to help ya.

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    Thank you so much Ace, now its working, and also thanks SnapFire

    thanks again ace
  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150

    Now that I tested, it does not sound by how fast it move or tilt, do you how to fix this?

  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    You said before that what I made was what you were looking for?

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    Yes kind of, but the problem is that when you tilt it to the left or right it keep sounding without even moving in it.

    I did notice this after I told you, is find right now but not exactly,

    What I actually want it is that the faster you tilt or shake, the loader it would sound, not sounding when not moving, but only getting loader the moving in it.

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    OK I had send you an email telling you more details I have not tell you that you now know what I am trying to do

    please check your email you gave me

    thank you
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