Forums suggestion regarding the closing and deletion of posts

SkyMapleSkyMaple Member Posts: 817
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys,

I just had one of my posts closed for no visible reason. My suggestion is that sous chiefs and higher ranks tell you why you topic has been closed or deleted if its not an obvious reason, via the GS messaging system. What do you think?


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Your threads where closed because We no longer Allow Selling on the Forum. Period. If you want to sell your Templates Apply to the Marketplace. It was an obvious reason (at least should have been, Since there is no longer a marketplace forum, and there are stickies about the new marketplace. Also since both threads where about selling might have been a clue) so no explanation was needed to be left that would have keep the Thread on the top of the recent Activity List.

    Hope you understand. Thanks

    Edit - Beat by SSS. Kudos for working on Sunday. ;)
  • SkyMapleSkyMaple Member Posts: 817
    Oh... I'm sorry. As you may have noticed, I haven't been on the forums in a few months. I didn't realize that the marketplace section was closed, I was just updating my templates. Thanks for the info, this thread can be deleted.
  • SkyMapleSkyMaple Member Posts: 817
    btw, do templates need to include images to be sold in the marketplace?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    SkyMaple said:
    btw, do templates need to include images to be sold in the marketplace?

    No. Follow the instruction to apply for the Marketplace and you can get more info.

This discussion has been closed.