I published my app after many frustrating attempts. Now I'm getting an Invalid Binary from the iTunes Connect website. Anybody know what that is? and how to fix it.
I published my app after many frustrating attempts. Now I'm getting an Invalid Binary from the iTunes Connect website. Anybody know what that is? and how to fix it.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
Did you open the .app package and edit anything? If so it will kick it out in a heartbeat.
Other causes could be Its not signed properly but that normally is a codesign error and not invaild binary.
Edit: Also in the future please do not create more than one thread on your issue. Thanks
I did not open it.I published with gamesalad.After it finished I zipped the file and uploaded it with application loader.It got accepted but after 10 minutes or so I went back to itunes it said INVALID BINARY
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
Make sure the provisioning profile matches the Bundle ID of the app in itunes connect. I believe that is another thing that will give you an invalid. If thats all right you may have used an adhoc profile or something.
Other causes could be Its not signed properly but that normally is a codesign error and not invaild binary.
Edit: Also in the future please do not create more than one thread on your issue. Thanks