Device needs to be enabled?

gariantrollgariantroll Member Posts: 219
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys,

I am trying to test my game on the Iphone, but I am getting the following error when I am trying to load it through X-Code. "The device needs to be enabled in the Organizer before it can be used with X-Code." How do I go about enabling the device?



  • gariantrollgariantroll Member Posts: 219

    But now it is saying that the device doesn't support any of the versions of IOS supported for development with this installation of the IOS SDK. Do I need to down load another version of XCODe or is there an update I can do? By the way the IOS the Iphone has is 5.0.

  • gariantrollgariantroll Member Posts: 219
    I updated, but it seems that I can't go higher than 4.3 ios. Any ideas?
  • gariantrollgariantroll Member Posts: 219
    I will do the adhoc, Thanks for your help though.

  • gariantrollgariantroll Member Posts: 219
    I had to download the new XCODE 4.2 in order to use 5.0 ios. Thanks for your help!!

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