Stucked with Provisioning Profiles
Hi, I finished game and want to publish it, but
got big dilemma with provisioning profiles.
I created them, but Xcode says - "Valid Signing Identity not found" in the status.
Can please somebody advice what to do to get fix this issue?
Thanks a lot!
got big dilemma with provisioning profiles.
I created them, but Xcode says - "Valid Signing Identity not found" in the status.
Can please somebody advice what to do to get fix this issue?
Thanks a lot!
Happy to help,
I mentioned that you was going to pay somebody 10$ for fixing this issue.
I am also, ready to pay 10$ if somebody can help me with this "valid signing identity not found".
Pls help
But again I am getting the same error:
"Xcode could not find a valid private-key/certificate pair for this profile in your keychain"
Can somebody pls help on that?
Revoked certificates and then followed tshirtbooth video about how to connect itunes account.
Here is also good tutorial about that:
(I had the same problem; delete EVERYTHING start again and do it perfectly in the perfect order)