Loading attributes - time taken?

applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
If I have 100 attributes to load when a game opens, is there ever a situation where I should allow time for them to load?

I'm 99% sure loading data from a solid-state self-contained app has next to zero seek time but wondered if there's a quantity of attributes loading that would require a small delay before acting upon them.

Any wisdom will be appreciated :)


  • SnapFireSnapFire Member Posts: 361
    I think I understand what you are saying.

    Do you mean "Do I need to not have anything happen in my scene for a second or two so everything, especially attributes, can load?"

    If this is what you mean then the answer is no, there is really no need to wait.

    Hope that helps
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