suggestions for what Andriod to buy?
I'm totally uneducated when it comes to Driod devices. Seems like their are so many choices and so many different markets to worry about. I would like to buy a andriod device to test & publish some of my other games. Any suggestions on an cheap mobile device? or things to be aware of?
thanks in advance
thanks in advance
I am hoping my Kindle Fire arrives by the end of the week. I ordered mine on Nov. 10th. Might have to run to BestBuy tomorrow and pick one up however instead. We shall see.
The reviews haven't been to great but it is what it is. A 7inch screen is a nice thought but when you really want to read magazines and comics on the thing you will realize it isn't a good experience. I think for normal e-book reading, video, audio, and app consumption it will be a perfect device for many folks who would not normally pick up a tablet like device.
I can't believe it was 4 years ago this month when I got my first Kindle! Whew! Where does the time go?
All my games on Google Play
I would recommend getting some sort of Android tablet, since they are usually cheaper and don't require a contract.
As well as a Nook Color and a Kindle Fire - that way you can test for those three markets.
For people new to Android, the Nexus line of phones is the Google flagship line of devices, they offer the ultimate Android experience ( Stock Android software with no skins or mods added by manufacturers). you can get a Nexus S (the 2nd generation Nexus phone) or the new Galaxy Nexus ( will be released in a couple of days) .
The Nook is a nice choice, However IMO I wouldnt recommend a Kindle. why ?
Well for starters Amazon has modified the hell out of the Android ROM the Kindle is running( to the point where they dont even mention its running Android ), it doesnt feel nor look like an Android device . More importantly, AFAIK it doesnt have access to the Android Market, and has only the Amazon Appstore ( which is significantly smaller ) .
The Kindle Fire is an awesome tablet, however its definitely not for dev purposes.
As a developer you can easily target the device as well, like tshirtbooth said, the android device family is so fragmented it's near impossible to design app that works on all of them
My kindle fire will be delivered tomorrow and I can't wait to attempt to port some of my old games.
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