How to change scene after release (mouse or touch)

jimthedudejimthedude Member Posts: 25
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a problem i believe is quite simple, always using the example of "Drawer ORBZAMPLE" on GS.
after playing around with the example (making lines) I wanted to have a new action, the action was to change scene after I release (mouse or touch)

any help will be extremely appreciated


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    make a attribute touchPressed set it to 0

    make a rule when mouse button is down change attribute touchPressed to 1

    then a rule when attribute touchPressed=1 and mouse button is up
    change scenes

    Also in the future please use a descriptive title so other people wanting to do the same thing or searching for something similar can find the thread.
  • jimthedudejimthedude Member Posts: 25
    ohh sorry for that :)
    but thanks that really help me a lot :)
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