Collision oddity

LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys,

I am having an issue with one of my collisions. I have loads set up in my game that work so I know it's not a code error on my behalf (I have quadruple checked). The only thing that makes this collision rule different is that object "A" gets its X,Y co-ordinates from another actor through constraints. Could this be causing some error with its collision shape not updating to the correct position?

Has anyone else seen this?

Cheers all,



  • SnapFireSnapFire Member Posts: 361
    Constraints rule over everything including collisions. I would suggest some other way to make your game work without constraints.

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881
    TSB offers a free template that shows how to position an actor while still allowing it to collide with other actors. It is really an elegant solution to the constrain problem. The he demonstrates it in this thread:
  • LBGLBG Member Posts: 277
    Cheers Guys. I'll take a look. I posted this in the technical forum too and TSB came to the rescue. I am now aware of some issues in GS that I didn't know existed before so I'll be on my toes ;)


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