app to the Mac App Store - how do you install the provisioning profile for mac?

BobDBobD Member, PRO Posts: 374
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm trying to submit an app to the Mac App Store but how do you install the provisioning profile for mac?
It tells me the following, but i can't seem to understand how, because i tried double clicking on the "[APPNAME]_Provisioning_Profile.provisionprofile" but it tells me that there are no programs that can read it...:
Mac Provisioning Profile Details
Your Mac Provisioning Profile has been created. In order to run your Notification or iCloud-enabled Mac app under development, you must install your Mac Provisioning Profile on your system. Additionally, you must add your Mac Provisioning Profile to the Xcode Organizer window in order to compile applications with your profile.

Next Steps
Install your Mac Provisioning Profile on your system by:
Double-clicking on the file in Finder
Dragging the file to the Profiles Preference pane
Clicking the + button in the Profiles Preference pane
Add your Mac Provisioning Profile to the Xcode Organizer
Dragging the file into the Xcode Organizer window
Clicking the Import button in the Xcode Organizer window

Can anyone who submitted an app to the MAC App store let me know how it is done?

Thank you!

P.S. I install xCode 4.2 but still on Snow Leopard 10.6.8


  • BobDBobD Member, PRO Posts: 374
    The answer is that you have to install Mac OS Lion. You can't use Snow Leopard to submit apps to the MAC Store.
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