Need Help with tilting and sounds

dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

How can I make faster you tilt or shake, the loader it would sound, not sounding when not moving, but only getting loader the moving in it.

Can anybody make me small demo of this using according to the other thread demo:

download the template, then do what I had said above

Thank you


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Everytime you make a post you request a demo and for someone to make it for you. Its time to try it yourself buddy.
  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    the thing is that my computer is kind of old, and keep getting hair lines, that's why I can't be used to keep trying to make it work

  • SnapFireSnapFire Member Posts: 361
    Did Ace not solve the problem?

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    He did a great job, but I still wanted something/s
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