Sound Bug in GS 8.3? now when change scene my sound Stop!! Help

venon_itvenon_it Member, PRO Posts: 594
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Ok after when i insert sound for all game it don't stop NEVER! now i create another game, and insert in home sound, but when i change scene the music stop! Why?? it is a GS BUG ? and Now...HOW TO SOLVE?

THANKS venon

(now try with insert no sound but insert music beahvior, it goes in loop, but when you return in home to the music restart! not good...


  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    it's a known issue and CodeMonkey said previously that it wouldn't be fixed in 0.8.3.

    "- Sounds played just as the scene is changing are not playing or completing. This was causing a memory leak before the 0.8.* build, so it was left as is since 0.8.0.
    Suggested user fix: Delay when the scene is changed and/or play the sound before the scene change with enough time to complete it."

    Maybe it'll be back in .9 :)
  • venon_itvenon_it Member, PRO Posts: 594
    ohhhh nooooo!!! I read Now all the changes from 8.2 to GS 8.3 GGS ..... now the function preserve scene deleted!!! NO NO NO!!!! now the music stop every scene... This is not good!!

    - Preserve Scene option in the Change Scene behavior has been deprecated for new games. Current games with that behavior option will still be able to use it to the extent that it may not "work" as it did in previous builds. See below.

    Suggested user fix: Delay when the scene is changed and/or play the sound before the scene change with enough time to complete it.

    but all my old games that have the function "preserve current scene" continue to work...Right?

    STAFF after reinsert this function?

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