*** challenge: two actors, one press....HELP!!****

jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

I have a scene with multiple actors flying across the screen (being spawned from one side). All actors are on the same layer. The player can touch the actor to drag them (when touch is pressed and inside) but the problem i'm having is that I don't want the user to drag two actors if he touches them when they are overlapping on the screen. I only want the top actor to be dragged. I'm stumped on this right now because I believe the 'touch = pressed and inside' is getting triggered on the two actors are the same moment so I can't use a game level attribute to say 'actor-touched' . Have any ideas?? Thanks, i'm racking my brains on this and don't want to have to change the actor rules so that they collide....


  • JPickardJPickard Member Posts: 477
    Sounds like you need the same tutorial I need that tshirtbooth hopes to make this weekend. It's part two of this one, which might already solve most of your problem:

    Edit: The only problem is how to give each spawned actor it's own number... hmmmm?
  • jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353
    Yes I understand this concept but want to spawn actors that are identical (there are ten of them).....one every second over the course of 60 seconds. I guess I could preload them and do this manually but there must be a way to increment on each new spawn.....thanks for pointing me to this video, got me thinking of new ideas....
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