Walking with Joystick demo's

DrakxDrakx Member Posts: 3
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

While I'm doing what the joystick demo (Official Cross-Platform Controller Template) advises in terms of building my project on top of that template (using the joystick_style2 template) all seems to be going well how ever i do have one small problem. When I move the analog stick to say the right my actor does move right, but I want to place a walking like animation in that direction and one for the left animation.

I would also like to do a jump like effect when I move the stick up (the jump I have working on a test project with out the joystick).

What I've done to try get this effect is under the move action. I've added a spawn actor event then under this I've added an animate action. Which I thought would work however doing it like this GameSalad really don't like it and becomes unresponsive.

How could I achieve this effect?

Thanks for the help


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