how can i make it that only sound when shaking the device?

dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

I Have bells that can be shake using tilt, but how can i make it that only sound when shaking the device?



  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    Nice video

    I have questions,

    so can do the same things on video but make a to sound? instead of reset scene, can I make it shake to make the sound?

  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    i had do like video said, but i put the sound and did not worked, do you how to make it work on sound?
  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    it works but other way around, like it sounds and keep sounding then when shake it stops,

    but i want to sound when shake it
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    move the play sound behavior to the otherwise section of the rule its in now . I havent actually watched the video, but in theory that should work
  • dondan89dondan89 Member Posts: 150
    thank so much tshirtbooth and johnpapimitis is working now

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