Just got an app reject because of "open url"

POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hey GS ,
I submitted a MAC game with version 0.9.82 , to the mac appstore, and it got rejected because the open url behavior opens the browser behind the game when its in full screen mode .

The mail from apple :

Here is how we found this bug:

FaceBook, Twitter button opens up browser behind the game screen when the game played with Full Screen mode (default) so that user does not see if those are opening.

Now i don't know if this issue has been fixed in 0.9.85 (cause i can't use this version anyway) or in the next patch you guys about bring us , so if you can let us know if you address this problem cause its not a game breaker bug , but its an apple reject bug ;)

Also , i would love to know if there is a way to restrict the game to "none full screen" only .

Looking forward to your reply with anticipation.


  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    Hey RSK,
    Not sure what you mean, I have an option to select if the game will start on full screen or not, but I don't see an option to restrict it to none full screen only?

    Also, a reply from GS about this "bug" would be nice .
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    Ok now thats is a record , 2 rejects in one day !
    First i though that the problem was because the game was opening in full screen mode at initial.
    So i made a new build (0.9.82) making sure that the game is opening in "non full screen" and submitted the new build , after an hour , it got to "in review" 2 hours later , rejected ! for the same reason , they say that when in full screen mode and opening URL, the user can't see that the browser is opening, because the game is in full screen !
    what do they want me to do? do they want the game to go out from full screen when a user presses a link? i don't think its achievable in GameSalad !
    what is that mean? i can't link to url in Mac apps ?
    GS please advise what should i do?

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