Enemy Follow Collide

zNiiCzNiiC Member Posts: 74
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
When I followed the tutorial to make someone follow the player, it goes right on top of my player. I tried adding a collide, but that doesn't work. Any ideas? Check the video for extra info.



  • zNiiCzNiiC Member Posts: 74
    I tried uploading to youtube, but it's all black and you can only see the mouse.
  • zNiiCzNiiC Member Posts: 74

    Here is the video:
  • Danneman101Danneman101 Member Posts: 59
    You need to show the code for the "zombie" and scroll down on the code for the cop for anybody to be able to help. But since the code-snippet you do show seem to indicate that it only takes one hit from the zombie to kill the cop, you could always simply stop moving the zombie as soon as it overlaps the cop, and similarly restrict the cop from moving any more.
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